Faezeh's Podcast
In this podcast we will talk about everything and I mean EVERYTHING! psychology, mental health, habit formation, transformation, dating, finding friends, remaining healthy friendships, setting realistic expectations for ourselves, happiness, travel, tech, cooking life and so much more :) My goal is to show up for this podcast every single day to hang out with all of you and share my message in hopes of helping others.
Podcasting since 2023 • 32 episodes
Faezeh's Podcast
Latest Episodes
#32: Navigating Anxiety: Rewiring the Subconscious, Releasing Control, and Trusting Yourself Beyond Fear
In this deeply honest and reflective episode, we dive into the root of anxiety and overthinking—where it comes from, why it shows up, and how it often masks itself as intuition or “gut feelings.” We talk about how the need for control stems fro...
Episode 32

#31: We have built a system of instant gratification instead of real gratitude and real healing.
The way our current comfort system crisis has been built is in a way that will soothe you immediately the wrong way before you can think about finding actual solutions that can change your current circumstances. I believe that’s why a lot of us...
Episode 31

#30: Growth mindset entails you choosing who you want to be, not to be true to the current version of you!
We hear a lot in self development space, that you need to be true to who you are whether it's in business, or in dating and personal life. But is this accurate?Personally, I don't think so. Let's say you are a shy person in first grade and ...

#29: Moving to a new country is the bravest and most life changing decision one can make!
Moving to a new country alone is one of the hardest things a person can do. I believe immigrants are the most resilient, strongest and bravest people on this planet. I don't think we talk enough about how dashing it is to say goodbye to your ho...
Episode 29