Faezeh's Podcast

#24: The Influence of Personal Experience and Decision-Making in Overcoming Setbacks

Episode 24

Continuing our discussion from the previous episode, the question of where to steer our course after experiencing a setback often lies in the intricate depths of our subconscious. Our life's compass is intricately calibrated by our upbringing, the company we keep, the books we read, and numerous other factors. The ultimate metric for navigating these uncharted waters is, quite simply, you—your life experience.

Why? Because you alone get to live and fully embrace your unique journey. With this understanding, the metric of your own life experience takes center stage, guiding your decisions in the wake of failure.

Understanding this metric empowers you to choose who to seek advice from. Consider designating a life leader—an individual who could be a mentor, a family member, a trusted friend, or even someone online whose insights you admire. When life throws its challenges your way, these life leaders provide a crucial reality check, reminding you of your North Star.

Yet, never forget that the steering wheel remains firmly in your hands. You are the captain of your journey, and you hold the power to decide where your path leads next. Trust in yourself, for you have the capability to navigate these waters. You've got this.