Faezeh's Podcast

#21: Failing in life can lead to finding your balance just like trying a new yoga pose!

Faezeh Episode 21

Just as you need to fall a few times to find balance in a yoga pose, you need to fall to your rock bottom a few times to find your balance point in life. Each aspect of my life that currently has some balance is because I had hit a huge rock bottom. This is not to say this balance is going to stay. Balance state is a flow state. It will flow with you as you grow.

Maybe right now balance looks like working 10 hours a day while it was only 4 hours last year! I came across this concept because I was trying to master the headstand pose in yoga and I suddenly realized, finding balance in yoga is close to finding balance in life! 
Just as you need to tiptoe your way through the pose to find the perfect balance point and fall a few times before you learn the optimal point, you need to put one foot in front of another and slowly find your way into what balance means to you! To fail and get up each time and fall better and get one step closer to the balance state, to happiness, to contentment.